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Puzzle pieces on the bed,

Little train tracks across the floor,

A diaper or two near the door,

I’m learning to say it’s okay.

Unkempt hair,

Days on end in the same nightgown, Sometimes in worries drowned,

I’m learning to say it’s okay.

Projects piled up over days,

Checklists endlessly perpetuate,

Beginning to lose my pace,

I’m learning to say it’s okay.

Messy cupboards, noisy rooms,

People waiting for me on Zoom,

I’m learning to say it’s okay.

Lightning prayers, unfinished devotions, Communion with God in constant motion,

I’m learning to say it’s okay.

Sometimes able to walk in freedom and truth,

Often times fragile with an impending sense of doom,

I’m learning to say it’s okay.

Sometimes my days go so well,

Like a beautiful story that’s there to tell,

But others turn out to be, an unsolved mystery,

Still, I’m learning to say it’s okay.

It’s okay cause I have a perfect Father to love the imperfect me.

It’s okay cause His son took all the blame so I can be free.

It’s okay cause I now have a friend inside Who’s my comfort and my guide.

It’s okay cause everything I adore:

Family, friends, work and more,

Are all blessings poured out of heaven’s doors.

It was so easy to count my blessings when everything was a-okay,

But there’s nothing like catching sight of a rainbow on a rainy day,

Me learning to say, ‘it’s okay’ is a lesson to learn through grace.

So in this season, so static yet fleeting,

I’m learning to say it’s okay.



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© 2023 by Srithi Abhinitha

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