Being a mother is such a blessed and life-changing experience. To know that the reason you have no time for yourself is because the baby constantly needs you, to see him smile at you and laugh at all your silly faces, to have him kiss you and be comforted by you—all this and so much more are all those surprises waiting at the end of yourself when you choose to walk in denial (of yourself), in submission to your cross, and in surrender as you follow Jesus through this path. That's the only way I'll enjoy the ride.
This serves as a reminder for me to acknowledge the pattern of perfectionism and disappointment I tend to fall into sometimes as a mother, to instead recognise that I am a jar of broken and moulded clay, and allow God to empower me to parent my child, however hard it may seem. After all, my son will be on his own before I know it. So here's to making the most of him enjoying my cuddles and kisses; here's to choosing to walk in wonder; here's to being honest about my frustrations and choosing to deal with them the right way. In my weaknesses, His strength is made perfect. Now, that's my anchor.
~ Penned down after a series of uncontrollable events in the life of a first time mum